Painting and repairing road markings are task sin the road maintenance industry that are hard to keep cost effective whilst maintaing a safe work enviroment. Intelligent Machines has developed a robotic system for the painting of transverse markings to increase productivity and eliminate personal accidents. The system consists of a robotic arm mounted on the front of a truck. At the end of the arm is an extruder that extrudes a band of thermoplastic material which by moving the arm forms various symbols and road markings on the surface of the road. The system is controlled from within the truckdriver's cabin via a touch screen. Unlike all other vehicles with arm-based functionality, this arm is electrically driven for highest accuracy and controllability . (Click on the image or the project name for more information about the project)
Intelligent Machines, in cooperation with one of the world 's leading manufacturer of floor grinding machines has developed a positioning and navigation system for automatic floor grinding. The system can also be used for other applications that require positioning at cm-levels in open indoor spaces. The system is based on a technology with IR-emitting landmarks/beacons and a camera-based positioning system located on the mobile floor grinder. The camera is connected to a computer which calculates the position and orientation of the floor grinder. The system also manages the navigation and control of the grinding machine. The accuracy of the positioning that can be achieved is in the order of a few centimeters in a workspace of 500m.
(Click on the image or the project name for more information about the project)
Oriboo is a game console that has a narrow niche market that most other consoles do not target. Young girls of 7 to 12 years old today, are playing only a few games and have little interest in the majority of products on the market. Oriboo is a toy that encourages to dancing, running, and other social activites. IM has been commissioned by Movinto fun AB to transition from an idea to a commercial mass-manufactured product made in China. IM also managed product maintenance during pruduct life.
(Click on the image or the project name for more information about the project)
Public pools and other water-based recreational establishments must be cleaned on a daily basis. This is acomplished by using poolcleaners which automatically run back and forth underwater to clean the entire pool floor. The requirements for control and navigation capabilities of poolcleaners have increased as modern swimming pools are becoming more and more complex. Intelligent Machines has done an extensive feasibility study in order to find technical solutions for a more modern poolcleaner. The requirements have been to autonomously manage to tidy complex shaped pools such as water parks, while also reducing manufacturing cost compared with market leading products. The new concepts were verified using experimental prototypes tested in the actual pools.
(Click on the image or the project name for more information about the project)
To reduce the risk of accidents occuring at roadworks, The Transport Administration of Sweden sponsored the development of a technology that automates the dangerous activity that is maintenance of the road system. Intelligent Machines has conducted a technical feasibility study and built an experimental prototype for automatic placement and removal of temporary road signs on road maintenance and roadworks sites. The systen consists of an electrically driven robot arm that is mounted on the bed of a truck. The driver who is also the operator of the equipment, will choose what kind of road sign is needed to be placed from a graphical user interface in the truck cabin. The equipment then automatically places the selected road sign from the truck on to the side of the road. The operator never needs to leave the cabin of the truck and is thus is never exposed to traffic hazards.
(Click on the image or the project name for more information about the project)